Voice Demo for Animation:
Trouble playing? You can download the mp3 file here. Chrome users can try CTRL+F5 to refresh the page, then click play and pause right away, wait for the audio to fully load, then click play.
Katie's Villianous Voices!
Trouble playing? You can download the mp3 file here. Chrome users can try CTRL+F5 to refresh the page, then click play and pause right away, wait for the audio to fully load, then click play.
Voiceover for animations and cartoons is, by far, Katie's favorite genre.
"I LOVE my job", Katie says, "and animation/character work, is certainly my most favorite VO gig. The zanier I get to be, the more fun we all have!"
Katie has a wide range of voice personalities, spanning both genders! From old hags, to evil masterminds, to teens all the way down to kindergartners. (along with additional voices, as well. There are simply far too many to list!)
- Big bad guys,
- singing chickens,
- talking chipmunks,
- surfer dudes,
- girl-next-door,
- ditzy blondes,
- super heros,
- bumbling sidekicks,
- nerds,
- witches,
- robots,
- monsters,
- young kids,
- grannies,
- grandpas,
- good ol' Mom,
- sheep,
- wizards,
- monkeys,
Want to hear more? Katie's Commercial and Radio Drama demos will be ready soon!